Sunday, June 20, 2010

Update for Study...

As I return, I finished my week with a short term project at Zurich of North America. I will be assisting them with a rollout deployment, and hopefully it may turn into a longer gig. In regards to my studying, I finally have a nice groove and I feel confident, moreso than I have at any other time. I plan to register my test date for the following weekend, as I now work from 8 am to 5 pm. I also hope to start getting a regular schedule for my meetings, as I have not attended in some time. It's really wonderful to feel how good life is when so many things come together and do so effortlessly. Yesterday my wife and I had a good day shopping down at Fairway, and then having late lunch at Dinosaur Barbeque. Afterwards we walked back, and on the way home stopped in the Park to relax a little more. It truly was a great day. Although we missed one friends birthday party and a Rocky Horror Show reunion, we just enjoyed being with each other, which helped me to become more focused on my studies. I think I will keep this momentum up long enough to get my Net+ certification, and maybe my Linux+ as well. What a great way to end the year. I'm still keeping in touch with my old schoolmates, and also with some old friends whom I thought may have been dead. One of them just found out that he'll be a daddy in February, which is great. I really hope to accomplish all my goals this year, as I keep promising myself and others that I will. Sometimes you either shit or get off the pot.

Well that all for now, more to come...

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