Thursday, June 10, 2010

Stepping up schedule...

I've decided to up the schedule for my A+, and then right after cram for my Net+. Been catching up with friends on fb and linkedin, but i've gotten back on track now and pushing forward. I can't wait for the tests to finish and then I can get back to meetings. I've also restarted my server+ studies, but that will wait until next year. I've also been following this new photographer named Gabe, and his work is really good, which is surprising for someone who's only been shooting for six months. He's really going to go far if he keeps up the work he's been doing lately. Now all i have to do is work on my own skills in that area in between study sets. My wife is really pushing me to get my certs, and she's been really supportive for so long, she's really been a trooper through all of this. On the better side of things, I have two projects coming up, one short-term (only two weeks), and the other will start shortly thereafter and last for six months to a year or more. Thank goodness for the IT industry upswing in recent months, let's hope for more opportunities and jobs. These days you have to choose your career track carefully, and get as much training in that field as you can. Just getting certs isn't enough, you have to make sure that you have the knowledge to back it up. These days too many newbies think that if they just download a few braindumps, and some practice tests, and then they'll ace a couple of tests and land the juicy paycheck. Unfortunately, too many of them forget that you also need to know WHY something is the way it is, not just that it is. Not just what is EIGRP, but why, and the reasons behind it's applications. This is the reason why so many opportunities get taken away from legitimate  techs with something to offer, and are given to hacks who don't know jacksh*t. I guess that's why it's taken me so long to go for this cert, I want to be taken seriously and to know my skills.

Well, that's enough jawjacking for now, time to get back to studying. More to come soon...

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