Sunday, May 23, 2010

In Pursuit of That A+

This will be my daily post of my studies for A+ Certification. I have now been at this task for the last two years, I have yet to attempt to take this test. Now, some people would say, "Just take the damn test already", and I'm tempted to do just that. But since i've begun studying, the test has undergone a few changes, thus urging me to change as well. I hope that this blog will serve as a guide for others as well as a diary for myself, if for no other reason just to keep me sane. There will be more to come over the coming weeks, as my target date is June 23 - 25 of this year. I have not been able to nail down any one system of study, so I just try everything at hand and hope that something catches and takes hold. Until next post,...

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