Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Further along the path...

Well, today I rifled through all the materials that i've collected and came across another suite of practice tests. I was a little tired and overwhelmed after having come home from work (6-11), and finally had to take a nap. I'm up now so i'm gonna try to get some work done. Going to the Mets game tonight with Liz, so theres quite a bit to do before I leave to meet her. I also still have to repair my AOpen desktop and put in more RAM into my custom tower, see if I can increase the power. Have also been considering installing a bigger HDD, maybe 750GB, or even 1TB. That would really be something, but all that comes in behind studying for the exam. Today is the 26th of May, and I'm stil trying to keep to my original deadline of the end of June. Will have to step up studying times, return to 6:30 am until 10:00 am in order to get back on track. That's all for now, more to come....

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