Friday, September 23, 2011

iPad Will Have Free Run Over Holiday Shopping Season

iPad Will Have Free Run Over Holiday Shopping Season With all the commotion between all the other tablets, the iPad is set to clean up this holiday season be default. Is this any surprise to anyone? Apple made a tablet that is simply beautiful in its simplicity in that it just works. Forget all the stuff about Flash and HTML 5, it still proves it's a number one contender in both the consumer and Enterprise markets. No other tablet, either now or in the future, will make as much of a splash as the iPad has, and Apple will only keep the momentum going with rumors of a new iPad (3?) coming soon, boasting an 8 MP rear camera and faster processor (maybe dual or even quad core in the future). This will only make things better for the consumer looking for more bang for their buck, and the iPad will deliver in fine style.

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