Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hey Technophiles,
I just had a thought. What if Apple developed the iPad to host a VM emulator like Parallels or VMWare Fusion? Or if Microsoft built an emulator to run natively within Windows 8 on tablets and the Windows phone as well as laptops and desktops? This came to mind this morning when I realized that a platform such as the tablet (running Android or iOS software) would be perfect in an enterprise environment for admins if you could also run a virtual machine (Ubuntu, Lion, Windows, etc.) on it. Imagine the flexibility, adaptability, the savings in both time and cost. I put the challenge out there for all developers and engineers to push the boundaries. We know how far the Tablet has come as an asset for both enterprise and consumer, but how far can it go if we just push it a little? I think the Tablet, as it is now, has a lot of potential that hasn't been tapped yet and it's just a matter of time (not years or months, but mere days!) before we see more incredible advances come about from this little workhorse. Just a thought.

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