Sunday, February 19, 2012

Helpdesk Blues


As I now sit in my office, four months into my gig at this lovely hotel, I discover that everything I once feared was crap. I have discovered that my skills are better than i give myself credit for (how much certification do you need to reboot a tv?), and my people skills are fantastic (if you call eating in the cafeteria alone  fantastic). I still can't help but wonder why I can't push myself to move further in my career than where I already am. The materials are open to me, just the time and motivation is not. It's really funny when you think about it, i can try to become anytghing I want but all I want to do when I get home is watch "Law & Order" and make smoothies (gotta use peanut butter of course. yum!). I wake up every morning to study Net+, but I can't get out of bed (now mind you 6 am IS a little early, is it not?), then when I get to work I have almost no time to get to study. What a quandry this is. Well, almost time to check out, so I will close this down until tomorrow. Later...

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