Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Welcome to another day in the Big Apple Tech world. Yesterday we welcomed a familiar, yet different friend to the market: the iPhone 4S. While everyone was pleased with the upgraded processor (dual-core A5, like in the iPad) and new 8 MP camera, one could not ignore the cries of "but where is the 5?". Apple may have felt that giving too much at this time would be detrimental to future market shares and might hurt the company in the long run. They have however decided to also keep some older models in the lineup, cheaper and with minor modifications, in order to stay competitive with Android, RIM, and other companies who may see this as an opportunity to grab up the lower end of the market. The iPhone 3GS and 4 will still be on the market as lower-priced units, while Apple pushes the 4S onto the market. This will be a good time to go shopping for new phones, as many other manufacturers will be vying for a piece of Apple's pie, and this coming holiday season will prove to be a game changer for all involved. Check out MacLife's blogsite for more details.

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