Tuesday, October 26, 2010

On the eve of celebration...

It's Tuesday, and tonight I will be celebrating another milestone in my life with some friends. This has been a good year, with the passing of my A+, my pending Net+ cert exam forthcoming, and a renewed passion for photography that I can barely keep contained. I've been busy on the work front, with many new projects and a renewed energy. I've also been learning new areas in my field, such as programming laguages, and a desire to be a system admin. Before, I didn't have the focus and direction, and I was just happy to be working at all. Now, I know where I can go and how far I can take it, and it gives me new hope for the future. I don't dwell on the problems  of my past, or the problems of others. I'm just trying to get from A to B without too much drama, and don't you think we could all use a little less of that in our lives?  I also want to include links to some web sites which I think are important, and may help some of you out there.

Well, that's enough out of me. More to come soon....

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