Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I find myself wondering why I constantly procrastinate when it comes to getting my work done, but when I do something that isn't important at all, I put more energy and effort into that project than I need to. Right now I should be studying for my next class, but here I am writing on this blog, saying nothing to no one, and thinking it's the most inspiring act I've performed ever. Now, if that's not insanity, then I don't know what is.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I was just reading another inspirational message from the CHARLIE MIKE site, and he is 100% on point. This is the year we all can make a difference in our lives by getting healthy and strong. The days ahead will be perilous and dark, many of us not knowing how we'll get through the year or if we'll even have a job come next week, but the place to begin is with yourself. You can't control the rest of life until you can control you. The mind controls the body, not the other way around. Keep that little tidbit in your head, and everything else falls into place, just the way it should. If you should find yourself in doubt about anything in your life, just remember that everything starts with a single decision, and that decision is up to you. Always. I know, I was a dead man just a few years ago. Now I stand ready to take the first brave steps into a new life that I never thought I would ever have. And it all started with the decision to make a change for the better.

That's all for now, I hope that you find your inner SEAL, and CHARLIE MIKE!

P.S.; This message is my own opinion and is not authorized nor is it meant as a promotional ad for Alden Mills, CHARLIE MIKE or any of the products he advertises. I am just one blogger who is inspired by the philosophy and attitude of Mr. Mills and wishes to give proper credit where credit is due.

Charles D. McCain

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Okay, today I wonder what Obama has in mind about the new economic plan he put forth the other day. It sounds good on the surface, but what does it mean to those of us who have to work for a living? This is a short post, so I will return with further insights later.

To keep ya' game tight, keep ya' money right!
