Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bush f***ed up this time.

Now with the war in Georgia starting to flare up, what is bush gonna do? He's committed most of our troops to a war none of wanted, and now we may have to send more troops over to Russia to quell hostilities. I still wonder who the hell voted for him, and why he keeps doing dumb stuff.
Well now all we mere citizens have to do is hope that no one sets off one of the big ones, and just maybe we can all live just a little while longer. If anyone has anything to say about this, please let me know.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Day one

This is my first blog, so bear with me. Lately, i've been inspired by many other sites to begin pursuing my dreams again. The latest, and most inspiring site was Charlie Mike, which was set up by a former SEAL named Alden Mills. So now I have a chance to complete everything that I started twenty some-odd years ago, and it looks like I may actually succeed. As this is my first attempt at blogging (I didn't what the hoopla was before) I hope that my future postings will be met with acceptance, and if not, then with some constructive criticism so that I may do a better job with this. If anyone has any input, I am open to ideas (and if you don't feel gracious, then at least be nice). Well that's all for now, will have more for you later.
