Saturday, January 9, 2021

Build an Instagram Clone with React Native, Firebase Firestore, Redux, E...

For anyone who's dreamed of using instagram on their iPad in Landscape mode, wouldn't be nice if we could just create a cloned app that does JUST that? Watch this video course (6 hours worth so buckle in) and make it a reality. 

Monday, August 6, 2012

The New iPhone?

Hello techie boys and girls, this is your mac guru here to talk about the rumors of the iPhone 5 (or will they, like the new iPad, call it the new iPhone?) and it's forthcoming debut in September. Now Apple has always had a penchant for bringing new tech to the marketplace around the same time that parents are sending their young ones off to High School or College ( in a vain attempt to give them the hint that it's time to hit the!!!), and this year is no different. Now, there's been alot of talk about what the iPhone will look like. Some say it will look like the old 3GS (due to reports that the 4/4s style was too hard to hold for long talks in the WiFi light), others say it will be a combination of the 4 with some input from android devices (rounded curves, flat backs, and no glass back that can shatter at the drop of a hat.) I think that when it debuts, there will be alot of people claiming they knew it all along, but didn't have a clue. I'm looking forward to seeing what the inside will behave like, and I think that an 8-core processor is not long down the road. September's show will also debut the new, smaller (7") iPad. The new smaller size is probably an attempt to compete with the flurry of 7" Android tablets and the new larger phones. Well, since Apple already had the market wrapped up (68% market share, worldwide, at last count), I don't see the need for apple to try to compete, as there doesn't seem to be any competition at this time. Well only the future will tell us what's in store for the iPhone & iPad, but i'll tell you now that the future looks good.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Charles McCain

Charles McCain: Click "Collect Me" to help me win a New York City photo exhibition and a$25,000 cash grant: One Life Photography Competition. Hope you like the images, too.